
Irreconciled Issues

She looooves cashless transactions  : auto debet, pre paid card, debit card, credit card, payment thru : sms, internet banking.
He likes to do almost everything in cash. Transfer and debit card, at the most.

She loooves when he wears suit (with his tall and broad shoulder figure, she thinks it’s his destiny to look good in suit. Slruuup)
He much much prefers batik (though she must say he has a very good taste and knowledge in batik).

She looks down to seek drops of rain in pool of water.
He looks up to see the rain drops.

She spends an hour (or more..) to be completely ready.
He spends 15 minutes max (unless it’s his shaving time).

She likes sushi…. A lot!
He raises the eyebrow and passes over sushi (but he dearly accompanies her, everytime she wants sushi).

She likes her kolak pisang, pisang rebus, bubur kacang ijo, martabak manis to be served hot
He likes them cold.. as in refrigerator cold…

She likes her sunny egg to be ¾ done. So when she stabs it with fork, there’s still a bit of yellow lava coming out.
He likes his sunny eggs to be completely well done, refusing to eat if it’s not. The yellow part has to be hard and the white part turns brownier.

She : terima bongkar, tidak terima pasang.
He : terima bongkar pasang .

She HAS TO po*p when she said, she has to. Making a huuuge scene. Giving less than 5 minutes delay and panic all the way. The “pit stops” usualy at hotel (he wanders at the lobby), gas station (he sits on the car), restaurant (he orders something from the menu), mall toilets. Hihihi.
He can wait from 20 minutes to forever when he said he has to p*op  and just give a flat expression (how can you do that, dear?).

She sleeps in a snap. No sounds (TV, motorcycle or even bajaj passing by), hot air can stop her. And she brags that it’s a gift =)
He has to sleep in quiet and rather cool environment.

She cannot sleep with pillow, unless the pillow is to cover her head.
He cannot sleep without pillow, stacking 2 pillows if he must.

She’s a morning person.
He’s a night person. (Psstt.. she loves to watch him sleep, waiting him to wake up and just adore those early beard. Slruuuup)

She’s into reksadana and LM.
He’s into LM and fixed asset.

She believes she will never ever get a bouquet of flower from him (she once asked, and had the following for the answer .. ).
He believes, she’d be more happy receiving bunga deposito instead of buket bunga (ah suamiku.. kamu bisa aja.. alasan kamu! hihihihi).

Happy anniversary, dear husband.
I automaticaly posted this at 8.30, around the time you said the ijab. Still remember the day vividly
It’s amazing how time flies wonderfully… well except the fact that we havent lived under the same roof. But I’m sure the time will come. And until that time, as you said, let’s just enjoy the ride.
Ailofyu… and the 1st that about to come




Indah said...

happy anniversary mba iyuttt dan suamiii semoga pernikahannya awet sampe aki aki dan nini nini yaakk....

eehh aku juga samaa kaya suamimu mba kalo mau poop bisa loohh nunggu seharian pokonya nunggu sampe rumah deh kalo emg lagi diluar hihihiiiii..

JJ said...

hai indah.. maap baru diposting.
aaamien.. makasih doanya.

heh?? bisa nahan pup jg sampe lama? hebring!